
Teachers: Miss Morris, Miss Turner,

Learning Support Assistants: Miss Adams, Miss McWilliam, Mrs Johnson, Miss Clark

Reception Curriculum Overview

EYFS / Reception Curriculum Progression Document

What to expect in the Early Years Foundation Stage: a guide for parents

The above document is published by 4Children supported by the Department of Education.


As soon as children are given reading books to take home we expect them to read every day and they should arrive in school with a signed reading record for us to check. 


The children have PE on Tuesdays.  On these days we expect all children to have their PE kits in school with their hair tied back.

Snack Time

Every day your child will be given a piece of fruit or vegetable to eat at playtime. If you would prefer to send your child in with their own fruit or vegetable, please ensure this is clearly labelled.


We encourage the drinking of water throughout the day and we ask for your child to bring in a named water bottle.  


Thank you for your cooperation in regards to the above.

The Reception team